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Register if you do not have an account.

1 Your Username is also your Email address unless you were migrated from the previous system. In that case, your username has not changed.

Need Help?

The following downloads will help walk you through creating an account, confirming your account, resetting your password, logging in and getting started on the PST Portal.

  1. Download the PST Portal Guidance walkthrough
  2. Download the Public Imaging walkthrough
  3. Download the Operator Training walkthrough
  4. Download the Corrective Action walkthrough
  5. Download the Approving Forms as an Owner walkthrough
  6. Download the Licensee Portal Guidance walkthrough
PST Portal Disclaimer

By logging on to this site you represent, agree and affirm that you are an authorized user and agree to be bound by all laws and rules applicable to your use of this site including but not limited to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and other state and federal laws and rules. Unauthorized use of this site, or any false representation made in connection therewith may may be punished to the full extent of the law including, but not limited to, discipline, fine, or imprisonment.